Higher Lumens Projectors vs Lower Lumens Projectors

October 25, 2021

Higher Lumens Projectors vs Lower Lumens Projectors

If you're in the market for a projector, one of the most important factors to consider is the lumens output. Lumens are the measure of how bright an image will be on your screen. Higher lumens projectors produce brighter images, while lower lumens projectors produce dimmer images. But how much of a difference does it make? Let's find out!

Lumens: How Bright is Bright?

To put it simply, lumens measure how much light passes through a square footage of a projector lens. One lumen is equal to the amount of light emitted by one candle. Projectors with 3000 lumens or above can project a clear image in a well-lit room, whereas projectors with 1000-2000 lumens are better suited for darker environments.

Higher Lumens Projectors

Projectors with 3000 or more lumens output are considered higher lumens projectors. They are brighter than lower lumens projectors and can project clearer images in rooms with visible ambient light. Higher lumens projectors are great for use outside, big conference rooms, and large venues as they produce a brighter, clearer image in well-lit areas.

Lower Lumens Projectors

Projectors with 1000-2000 lumens fall under the lower lumens category. They are popularly used for small gatherings at home or in meetings that happen in a dimmer lit room. They can still project large images but the clarity of the image can be compromised in ambient light.

Which One Is Better?

The answer to that depends on your needs! If you're looking for a projector for personal use or for smaller environments, then a lower lumens projector would suffice. On the other hand, if you're planning to conduct presentations in big conference rooms or host events, then you will need a higher lumens projector to ensure a good image quality in well-lit rooms.


Lumens output is a crucial factor to consider when buying a projector. Both higher lumens and lower lumens projectors have their strengths and can be used in different settings. The key is to pick one that's suitable for your needs.

We hope you found this guide helpful. Don't forget to check out our other posts on projector technology comparisons.


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